
Represent a Band plot with given arguments.

Keyword arguments


  • lower: The lower values for the band plot. User can pass a column or a Float value. default: 0

  • upper: The upper values for the band plot. User can pass a column or a Float value. default: 0

  • x: The column to be used as x coordinate. User must pass either this or the y argument. default: 0

  • y: The column to be used as y coordinate. User must pass either this or the x argument. default: 0

Band Options

  • breaks: It causes a break in the line when a missing value is encountered. default: false

  • interpolate: The interplate function to use for drawing lines, e.g. :linear, :basis, :natural, :step, ... default: :linear


  • group: The name of column for grouping observation. Each group of observations will create seperate band plot.

Band appearance

  • color: The default color for the mark. User can pass color's name as symbol (e.g. :red), as string (e.g. "red"), as HTML color value (e.g. "#4682b4"), or pass a gradient color using the gradient() function. default: "#4682b4"

  • opacity: The mark opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). default: 0.5

Axes options

  • x2axis: When set to true, the top x-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false

  • y2axis: When set to true, the right y-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false


  • legend: User can pass a symbol to this keyword argument to indicate that more customisation will be passed for the legened of corresponding mark. User needs to provide the extra customisation via the Legend global keyword.


  • clip: Indicates if the marks should be clipped.

Represent a Bar chart with given arguments.

Keyword arguments


  • x: User should pass a single column for plotting the bar chart. User must pass either this or the y argument. default: 0

  • y: User should pass a single column for plotting the bar chart. User must pass either this or the x argument. default: 0

Bar options

  • baseline: The start value for drawing bars. default: 0

  • baselineresponse: Name/index of a numeric column which will be used to change the baseline of bars within each group. The function passed to baselinestat will be used to aggregate the values if there are more than one observation for a specific bar.

  • baselinestat: The function that will be used to aggregate values in column passed as baselineresponse.

  • colormodel: It specifies the color scheme to use for the marks. default: :diverging

  • colorresponse: Name/index of a numeric column which will be used to change the fill color of each bar based on its values. The function passed to colorstat will be used to aggregate the values if there are more than one observation for a specific bar.

  • colorstat: The function that will be used to aggregate values in column passed as colorresponse.

  • missingmode: Indicate how to handle missing values in category or group. 0 = nothing, 1 = no missing in category, 2 = no missing in group, 3 = no missing in category or group, 4 = no missing in category and group. default: 0

  • normalize: If true the bars will be normalized in each group. By default the total bar heights will be 1 in each group, however, user can pass customised function via normalizer to change this behaviour. default: false

  • normalizer: This function will be used to normalize bar height within each group. default: StatisticalGraphics.bar_normalizer

  • orderresponse: Name of a numeric column which will be used to change the order of bars. The function passed to orderstat will be used to aggregate the values if there are more than one observation for a specific bar. Note that the axis' order will override this.

  • orderstat: The function that will be used to aggregate values in column passed as orderresponse.

  • response: A numeric column which its aggregated values based on the stat keyword argument will be used to determine the height of each bar.

  • stat: A function for aggregating the response keyword argument. When response is passed the default value of the keword change to IMD.sum, however, user can pass any function to this argument. The function must accept two arguments f(format), and x the input values and return the aggregated values.


  • group: A grouped bar chart will be created by passing a single column to this argument.

  • groupdisplay: Indicate how to display bars in each group. It can be :stack, :cluster, :step, or :none. default: :stack

  • grouporder: How to order values in each group. It can be :data, :ascending, or :descending. User may also pass a vector of group levels to dictate the orders. default: :ascending

  • groupspace: The space between bars inside each group when groupdisplay is in (:cluster, :step). default: 0.05

Bar appearance

  • barcorner: Corner radius for bars. (cornerRadiusTopLeft, cornerRadiusTopRight, cornerRadiusBottomLeft, cornerRadiusBottomRight). default: 0

  • barwidth: The bar width proportion with respect to the available space. It can be any number between 0 and 1. User can pass :nest too, which in this case the bar width will be automatically calculated for each group in such a way that the bar widths in each group will be smaller than the previous group. Users can pass nestfactor to control how fast they would like the bar width change for each group. default: 1

  • color: The default color for the mark. User can pass color's name as symbol (e.g. :red), as string (e.g. "red"), as HTML color value (e.g. "#4682b4"), or pass a gradient color using the gradient() function. default: "#4682b4"

  • nestfactor: When the barwidth keyword is set to :nest this will control how much change should be applied to the current group barwidth compared to the previous one. By default this will be controlled automatically.

  • opacity: The mark opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). default: 1

  • outlinecolor: The mark's outline color. default: :white

  • outlinethickness: The mark outline thickness. default: 1

  • space: The space between bars. It can be any number between 0 and 1. default: 0.1

Bar labels

  • label: What information should be used for bar labels. It can be :none, :height, or :category. default: :none

  • labelalign: The text alignment.

  • labelalternate: Use automatic alogirhtms to adjust the labels for bar with negative heights. default: true

  • labelangle: The text angle.

  • labelbaseline: The text baseline.

  • labelcolor: The text color. User can also pass :group or :colorresponse to use the corresponding scale for coloring the text. default: :black

  • labeld3format: d3 format for labels. default: ""

  • labeldir: The direction of the text, i.e. :ltr or :rtl. default: :ltr

  • labelfont: The font name for displaying text.

  • labelfontweight: The font weight for displaying text, use 100 for thin font and 900 for the bold one.

  • labelitalic: If true the italic style will be used for displaying text.

  • labellimit: The maximum length of the text mark in pixels. The text value will be automatically truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit.

  • labelloc: relative location of the label within each bar. It can be any number between 0 and 1, where 0.5 means middle of the bar. default: 0.5

  • labeloffset: The amount in pixel to offset the labels. default: 0

  • labelopacity: The text opacity. default: 1

  • labelpos: The position of labels within each bar. It can be :end, :start, or :middle. default: :end

  • labelsize: The font size for displaying text.

  • tooltip: A tooltip will be shown upon mouse hover. default: false

Axes options

  • x2axis: When set to true, the top x-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false

  • y2axis: When set to true, the right y-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false


  • legend: User can pass a symbol to this keyword argument to indicate that more customisation will be passed for the legened of corresponding mark. User needs to provide the extra customisation via the Legend global keyword.


  • clip: Indicates if the marks should be clipped.

Represent a Box Plot with given arguments.

Keyword arguments


  • x: User should pass multiple columns for plotting the comparative box plot, i.e. side by side box plot for passed columns. User must pass either this or the y argument. default: 0

  • y: User should pass multiple columns for plotting the comparative box plot, i.e. side by side box plot for passed columns. User must pass either this or the x argument. default: 0

BoxPlot options

  • categoryorder: How the category should be ordered, i.e. :ascending, :descending, :data. default: :ascending

  • missingmode: Indicate how to handle missing values in category or group. 0 = nothing, 1 = no missing in category. default: 0

  • outliers: If true the oultliers will be shown. The outliers are computed based on how many outliersfactor they are far from quartiles. default: false

  • outliersfactor: The factor to be used for computing outliers. default: 1.5


  • category: A category column which indicates the box plot must be drawn within each category.

BoxPlot appearance

  • boxcorner: Corner radius for boxes. (cornerRadiusTopLeft, cornerRadiusTopRight, cornerRadiusBottomLeft, cornerRadiusBottomRight). default: 0

  • boxwidth: The box width, it must be a number between 0 and 1. default: 1

  • fencecolor: Specifiy the color for the fence lines. default: :black

  • fencewidth: Specifiy the total width for the fence lines. It must be a number between 0 and 1. default: 0.5

  • groupspace: The space between boxes inside each category. It must be a number between 0 and 1. default: 0.05

  • meansymbol: Specifiy the symbol to be used for the mean indicator. default: :diamond

  • meansymbolsize: Specifiy the symbol size to be used for the mean indicator. default: 40

  • mediancolor: Specifiy the color for the median indicator. default: :white

  • medianthickness: Specifiy the thickness for the median indicator. default: 1

  • medianwidth: The total width to be used for the median indicator. It must be a number between 0 and 1. default: 1

  • opacity: The mark opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). default: 1

  • outlinecolor: The default color for the mark. User can pass color's name as symbol (e.g. :red), as string (e.g. "red"), as HTML color value (e.g. "#4682b4"). default: :white

  • outlinethickness: The mark outline thickness. default: 1

  • space: The space between boxes. It must be a number between 0 and 1. default: 0.1

  • whiskercolor: Specifiy the color for the whisker lines. default: :black

  • whiskerdash: Specifiy the dash style for the whisker lines. default: [3, 3]

  • whiskerthickness: Specifiy the thickness for the whisker lines. default: 1

Outliers appearance

  • outliercolor: Specifiy the color for the outliers symobls.

  • outlierjitter: Specifiy the jitter strength for the outliers symobls. default: 0

  • outlieropacity: Specifiy the mark opacity for the outliers symobls. default: 1

  • outlieroutlinecolor: Specifiy the outline color for the outliers symobls.

  • outliersymbol: Specifiy the symbol shape for the outliers symobls. default: :circle

  • outliersymbolsize: Specifiy the symbol size for the outliers symobls. default: 30

  • outlierthickness: Specifiy the outline thickness for the outliers symobls. default: 1

BoxPlot tooltip

  • tooltip: A tooltip will be shown upon mouse hover. default: false

Axes options

  • x2axis: When set to true, the top x-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false

  • y2axis: When set to true, the right y-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false


  • legend: User can pass a symbol to this keyword argument to indicate that more customisation will be passed for the legened of corresponding mark. User needs to provide the extra customisation via the Legend global keyword.


  • clip: Indicates if the marks should be clipped.

Represent a Bubble plot with given arguments.

Keyword arguments


  • x: The column to be used as x coordinate. default: 0

  • y: The column to be used as y coordinate. default: 0

Bubble Options

  • colorresponse: The column which its values will be used to determine the fill color of the marks.

  • maxsize: The maximum size of the bubbles.

  • minsize: The minimum size of the bubbles.

  • opacityresponse: The column which its values will be used to determine the opacity of the marks.


  • group: The name of column for grouping observation. Each group of observations will create seperate bubble plot.

Bubble appearance

  • color: The default color for the mark. User can pass color's name as symbol (e.g. :red), as string (e.g. "red"), as HTML color value (e.g. "#4682b4").

  • colormodel: It specifies the color scheme to use for the marks. default: :diverging

  • opacity: The mark opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). default: 1

  • outlinecolor: The default color for the mark. User can pass color's name as symbol (e.g. :red), as string (e.g. "red"), as HTML color value (e.g. "#4682b4").

  • size: The symbol size. default: 50

  • thickness: The mark outline thickness. default: 1

Bubble Label

  • labelalgorithm: The algorithm for placing labels. default: :naive

  • labelanchor: The anchors for choosing the location of labels. default: [:top, :bottom, :left, :right]

  • labelangle: The text angle. default: 0

  • labelcolor: The label text color, it can also be :group or :colorresponse for choosing the color based on the points groups. default: :black

  • labeldir: The direction of the text, i.e. :ltr or :rtl. default: :ltr

  • labelfont: The font name for displaying text.

  • labelfontweight: The font weight for displaying text, use 100 for thin font and 900 for the bold one.

  • labelitalic: If true the italic style will be used for displaying text.

  • labellimit: The maximum length of the text mark in pixels. The text value will be automatically truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit.

  • labelresponse: The column which its values will be used to label points.

  • labelsize: The font size for displaying text.

  • tooltip: A tooltip will be shown upon mouse hover. default: false

Axes options

  • x2axis: When set to true, the top x-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false

  • xshift: Shift the mark in direction of x. Useful for discrete type axes. default: 0

  • y2axis: When set to true, the right y-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false

  • yshift: Shift the mark in direction of y. Useful for discrete type axes. default: 0


  • legend: User can pass a symbol to this keyword argument to indicate that more customisation will be passed for the legened of corresponding mark. User needs to provide the extra customisation via the Legend global keyword.


  • clip: Indicates if the marks should be clipped.

Represent a Density plot with given arguments.

Keyword arguments


  • x: The column to be used as x coordinate. User must pass either this or the y argument. default: 0

  • y: The column to be used as y coordinate. User must pass either this or the x argument. default: 0

Density Options

  • baseline: The baseline for filling the curve. default: 0.0

  • bw: Band width to be used in the kernel density estimation.

  • interpolate: The interplate function to use for drawing lines, e.g. :linear, :basis, :natural, :step, ... default: :linear

  • npoints: The number of points for the grid calculation. default: 100

  • scale: user can pass any function to this option, the function must be in the form of fun(density; midpoints, npoints, samplesize, binwidth) , for :pdf the function is defined as f(x; args...) = x, for :count we compute the expected counts, f(x; args...) = x .* binwidth .* npoints , and for :cdf the function is (x; binwidth, args...) -> cumsum(x .* binwidth). default: :pdf

  • type: Type of density fit, i.e. :normal or :kernel. default: :normal

  • weights: The weighting function to be used when :kernel type is selected. default: :gaussian


  • group: The name of column for grouping observation. Each group of observations will create seperate density plot.

Density appearance

  • color: The default color for the mark. User can pass color's name as symbol (e.g. :red), as string (e.g. "red"), as HTML color value (e.g. "#4682b4"), or pass a gradient color using the gradient() function.

  • fillcolor: The default color for the mark. User can pass color's name as symbol (e.g. :red), as string (e.g. "red"), as HTML color value (e.g. "#4682b4"), or pass a gradient color using the gradient() function.

  • filled: Indicate if the curve should be filled. default: true

  • fillopacity: The opacity value for the fill color. default: 0.5

  • opacity: The opacity value for the outline. default: 1

  • thickness: The mark outline thickness. default: 1

Axes options

  • x2axis: When set to true, the top x-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false

  • y2axis: When set to true, the right y-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false


  • legend: User can pass a symbol to this keyword argument to indicate that more customisation will be passed for the legened of corresponding mark. User needs to provide the extra customisation via the Legend global keyword.


  • clip: Indicates if the marks should be clipped.

Represent a Heatmap (2D Histogram) with given arguments.

Keyword arguments


  • x: The column to be used as x coordinate. User must pass this and the y argument. default: 0

  • y: The column to be used as y coordinate. User must pass this and the x argument. default: 0

Heatmap Options

  • bincountmethod: The number of points for the grid calculation in both direction. default: StatisticalGraphics.default_bin_heatmap

  • tooltip: A tooltip will be shown upon mouse hover. default: false

  • xbincount: The number of points for the grid calculation in x direction.

  • ybincount: The number of points for the grid calculation in y direction.

Heatmap appearance

  • colormodel: Define the color model to be used for the heatmap plot. default: :scheme => :viridis

  • opacity: The opacity value for the outline. default: 1

Axes options

  • x2axis: When set to true, the top x-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false

  • y2axis: When set to true, the right y-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false


  • legend: User can pass a symbol to this keyword argument to indicate that more customisation will be passed for the legened of corresponding mark. User needs to provide the extra customisation via the Legend global keyword.


  • clip: Indicates if the marks should be clipped.

Represent a Histogram with given arguments.

Keyword arguments


  • x: The column to be used as x coordinate. User must pass either this or the y argument. default: 0

  • y: The column to be used as y coordinate. User must pass either this or the x argument. default: 0

Histogram Options

  • midpoints: The location of midpoints. It can be a number to indicate the number of midpoints or a vector of midpoints. default: :Sturges

  • scale: The scale to use for the bar heights, e.g. :pdf, :cdf, :count. default: :pdf


  • group: The name of column for grouping observation. Each group of observations will create seperate histogram plot.

Histogram appearance

  • color: The default color for the mark. User can pass color's name as symbol (e.g. :red), as string (e.g. "red"), as HTML color value (e.g. "#4682b4"), or pass a gradient color using the gradient() function. default: "#4682b4"

  • opacity: The opacity value for the outline. default: 1

  • outlinecolor: The default color for the mark. User can pass color's name as symbol (e.g. :red), as string (e.g. "red"), as HTML color value (e.g. "#4682b4"), or pass a gradient color using the gradient() function. default: :white

  • outlinethickness: The outline thickness. default: 1

  • space: Space between bars in pixel. default: 1

Axes options

  • x2axis: When set to true, the top x-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false

  • y2axis: When set to true, the right y-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false


  • legend: User can pass a symbol to this keyword argument to indicate that more customisation will be passed for the legened of corresponding mark. User needs to provide the extra customisation via the Legend global keyword.


  • clip: Indicates if the marks should be clipped.

Represent a Line plot with given arguments.

Keyword arguments


  • x: The column to be used as x coordinate. default: 0

  • y: The column to be used as y coordinate. default: 0

Line Options

  • breaks: It causes a break in the line when a missing value is encountered. default: false

  • interpolate: The interplate function to use for drawing lines, e.g. :linear, :basis, :natural, :step, ... default: :linear


  • group: The name of column for grouping observation. Each group of observations will create seperate Line.

Line appearance

  • color: The default color for the mark. User can pass color's name as symbol (e.g. :red), as string (e.g. "red"), as HTML color value (e.g. "#4682b4"), or pass a gradient color using the gradient() function. default: "#4682b4"

  • dash: The Line dash style. default: [0]

  • opacity: The mark opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). default: 1

  • thickness: The Line thickness. default: 1

Axes options

  • x2axis: When set to true, the top x-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false

  • xshift: Shift the mark in direction of x. Useful for discrete type axes. default: 0

  • y2axis: When set to true, the right y-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false

  • yshift: Shift the mark in direction of y. Useful for discrete type axes. default: 0


  • legend: User can pass a symbol to this keyword argument to indicate that more customisation will be passed for the legened of corresponding mark. User needs to provide the extra customisation via the Legend global keyword.


  • clip: Indicates if the marks should be clipped.

Represent a Pie chart with given arguments.

Keyword arguments


  • category: A category column which indicates each slice. default: 0

Pie options

  • endangle: The end angle in degree. default: 360

  • missingmode: Indicate how to handle missing values in category or group. 0 = nothing, 1 = no missing in category, 2 = no missing in group, 3 = no missing in category or group, 4 = no missing in category and group. default: 0

  • response: A numeric column which its aggregated values based on the stat keyword argument will be used to determine the radius of each slice.

  • sort: If true the slices will be sorted based on their total angle. default: false

  • startangle: The start angle in degree. default: 0

  • stat: A function for aggregating the response keyword argument. When response is passed the default value of the keword change to IMD.sum, however, user can pass any function to this argument. The function must accept two arguments f(format), and x the input values and return the aggregated values.


  • group: A nested pie chart will be created by passing a single column to this argument.

  • groupspace: The space between nested pie. default: 0.01

Pie appearance

  • colormodel: It specifies the color scheme to use for the marks. default: :category

  • innerradius: The donut radius. It must be a number between 0 and 1. default: 0

  • opacity: The mark opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). default: 1

  • outerradius: The outer radius. It must be a number between 0 and 1. default: 1

  • outlinecolor: The mark's outline color. default: :white

  • outlinethickness: The mark outline thickness. default: 1

  • piecorner: The corner of slice in pixel. default: 0

  • space: The space between slices. It can be any number between 0 and 1. default: 0

Pie labels

  • decimal: Numbe of digits after the decimal when percentage is used. default: 1

  • label: What information should be used for slice labels. It can be :category, :percent, or :both.

  • labelalign: The text alignment. default: :center

  • labelangle: The text angle.

  • labelbaseline: The text baseline. default: :middle

  • labelcolor: The default color for the mark. User can pass color's name as symbol (e.g. :red), as string (e.g. "red"), as HTML color value (e.g. "#4682b4"). default: :black

  • labeldir: The direction of the text, i.e. :ltr or :rtl. default: :ltr

  • labelfont: The font name for displaying text.

  • labelfontweight: The font weight for displaying text, use 100 for thin font and 900 for the bold one.

  • labelitalic: If true the italic style will be used for displaying text.

  • labellimit: The maximum length of the text mark in pixels. The text value will be automatically truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit.

  • labelopacity: The text opacity. default: 1

  • labelpos: Vertical position of lables. default: 0.5

  • labelrotate: It rotates text 90 degree. default: false

  • labelsize: The font size for displaying text.

  • labelthreshold: Labels will be drop for the slices with smaller angle than :labelthreshold. default: 0.0

  • tooltip: A tooltip will be shown upon mouse hover. default: false


  • legend: User can pass a symbol to this keyword argument to indicate that more customisation will be passed for the legened of corresponding mark. User needs to provide the extra customisation via the Legend global keyword.


  • clip: Indicates if the marks should be clipped.

Represent a Polygon with given arguments.

Keyword arguments


  • id: The function draw a seperate polygon for each unique value of id.

  • x: The x coordinate of the polygon.

  • y: The y coordinate of the polygon.

Polygon Options

  • colorresponse: The column which its values will be used to determine the fill color of polygons.

  • interpolate: The interplate function to use for drawing lines, e.g. :linear, :basis, :natural, :step, ... default: :linear

  • opacityresponse: The column which its values will be used to determine the opacity of polygons.

  • outline: If true an outline will be drawn for each polygon. default: true


  • group: The name of column for grouping observation. Each group of observations will create seperate polygon and polygons in each group will have different color.

Polygon appearance

  • color: The default color for the mark. User can pass color's name as symbol (e.g. :red), as string (e.g. "red"), as HTML color value (e.g. "#4682b4"), or pass a gradient color using the gradient() function. default: :steelblue

  • colormodel: The color model which will be used for fill color when colorresponse is passed. It can be an scheme or a vector of colors. default: :diverging

  • opacity: The mark opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). default: 1

  • outlinecolor: The default color for the mark. User can pass color's name as symbol (e.g. :red), as string (e.g. "red"), as HTML color value (e.g. "#4682b4"), or pass a gradient color using the gradient() function. default: :steelblue

  • outlinedash: The outline dash style. default: [0]

  • outlineopacity: The ouline opacity. default: 1

  • outlinethickness: The outline thickness. default: 1

Axes options

  • x2axis: When set to true, the top x-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false

  • y2axis: When set to true, the right y-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false


  • legend: User can pass a symbol to this keyword argument to indicate that more customisation will be passed for the legened of corresponding mark. User needs to provide the extra customisation via the Legend global keyword.


  • clip: Indicates if the marks should be clipped.

Represent a Refline with given arguments.

Keyword arguments


  • axis: WHich axis should be used to draw the reflines, i.e. :xaxis, :x2axis, :yaxis, :y2axis.

  • values: The position of reflines, it can be a vector of values. default: 0

Refline appearance

  • color: The default color for the mark. User can pass color's name as symbol (e.g. :red), as string (e.g. "red"), as HTML color value (e.g. "#4682b4"), or pass a gradient color using the gradient() function. default: :grey

  • dash: The line dash style. default: [0]

  • opacity: The mark opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). default: 1

  • thickness: The line thickness. default: 1


  • clip: Indicates if the marks should be clipped.

Represent a Regression Line with given arguments.

Keyword arguments


  • x: The column to be used as x, i.e. the independent variable. default: 0

  • y: The column to be used as y, i.e. the response variable. default: 0

Reg Options

  • degree: The maximum polynomial degree for the fitted line. default: 1

  • intercept: Whether the fitted line should have the intercept term. default: true

  • interpolate: The interplate function to use for drawing lines, e.g. :linear, :basis, :natural, :step, ... default: :linear

  • npoints: The number of points in grid for drawing the regression line. default: 100


  • group: The name of column for grouping observation. Each group of observations will create seperate Regression Line.

Reg appearance

  • color: The default color for the mark. User can pass color's name as symbol (e.g. :red), as string (e.g. "red"), as HTML color value (e.g. "#4682b4"), or pass a gradient color using the gradient() function. default: "#4682b4"

  • dash: The Line dash style. default: [0]

  • opacity: The mark opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). default: 1

  • thickness: The Line thickness. default: 1

Confidence Interval

  • alpha: Control the confidence intervals level. default: 0.05

  • cli: Draw the prediction confidence interval. default: false

  • clicolor: The filling color for the prediction confidence interval.

  • cliopacity: The opacity for the prediction confidence interval. default: 0.3

  • clm: Draw the mean confidence interval. default: false

  • clmcolor: The filling color for the mean confidence interval.

  • clmopacity: The opacity for the mean confidence interval. default: 0.3

Axes options

  • x2axis: When set to true, the top x-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false

  • y2axis: When set to true, the right y-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false


  • legend: User can pass a symbol to this keyword argument to indicate that more customisation will be passed for the legened of corresponding mark. User needs to provide the extra customisation via the Legend global keyword.


  • clip: Indicates if the marks should be clipped.

Represent a Scatter plot with given arguments.

Keyword arguments


  • x: The column to be used as x coordinate. default: 0

  • y: The column to be used as y coordinate. default: 0

Scatter Options

  • angleresponse: The column which its values will be used to determine the angle of the marks.

  • colorresponse: The column which its values will be used to determine the fill color of the marks.

  • jitter: The jitter strength in the x and y axes direction, respectively. default: [0, 0]

  • opacityresponse: The column which its values will be used to determine the opacity of the marks.

  • symbolresponse: The column which its values will be used to determine the symbol of the marks.


  • group: The name of column for grouping observation. Each group of observations will create seperate scatter plot.

Scatter appearance

  • angle: The symbol angle. default: 0

  • color: The default color for the mark. User can pass color's name as symbol (e.g. :red), as string (e.g. "red"), as HTML color value (e.g. "#4682b4").

  • colormodel: It specifies the color scheme to use for the marks. default: :diverging

  • opacity: The mark opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). default: 1

  • outlinecolor: The default color for the mark. User can pass color's name as symbol (e.g. :red), as string (e.g. "red"), as HTML color value (e.g. "#4682b4").

  • size: The symbol size. default: 50

  • symbol: The symbol type, e.g. :circle, :square, ... default: "circle"

  • thickness: The mark outline thickness. default: 1

Scatter Label

  • labelalgorithm: The algorithm for placing labels. default: :naive

  • labelanchor: The anchors for choosing the location of labels. default: [:top, :bottom, :left, :right]

  • labelangle: The text angle. default: 0

  • labelcolor: The label text color, it can also be :group or :colorresponse for choosing the color based on the points groups. default: :black

  • labeldir: The direction of the text, i.e. :ltr or :rtl. default: :ltr

  • labelfont: The font name for displaying text.

  • labelfontweight: The font weight for displaying text, use 100 for thin font and 900 for the bold one.

  • labelitalic: If true the italic style will be used for displaying text.

  • labellimit: The maximum length of the text mark in pixels. The text value will be automatically truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit.

  • labelresponse: The column which its values will be used to label points.

  • labelsize: The font size for displaying text.

  • tooltip: A tooltip will be shown upon mouse hover. default: false

Axes options

  • x2axis: When set to true, the top x-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false

  • xshift: Shift the mark in direction of x. Useful for discrete type axes. default: 0

  • y2axis: When set to true, the right y-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false

  • yshift: Shift the mark in direction of y. Useful for discrete type axes. default: 0


  • legend: User can pass a symbol to this keyword argument to indicate that more customisation will be passed for the legened of corresponding mark. User needs to provide the extra customisation via the Legend global keyword.


  • clip: Indicates if the marks should be clipped.

Represent a Segment line with given arguments.

Keyword arguments


  • lower: The lower values for segments. User can pass a column or a Float value. default: 0

  • upper: The upper values for segments. User can pass a column or a Float value. default: 0

  • x: The column to be used as x coordinate. User must pass either this or the y argument. default: 0

  • y: The column to be used as y coordinate. User must pass either this or the x argument. default: 0


  • group: The name of column for grouping observation. Each group of observations will create seperate segment lines.

Segment appearance

  • color: The default color for the mark. User can pass color's name as symbol (e.g. :red), as string (e.g. "red"), as HTML color value (e.g. "#4682b4"), or pass a gradient color using the gradient() function. default: "#4682b4"

  • opacity: The mark opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). default: 1

  • thickness: The thickness of the mark default: 1

Axes options

  • x2axis: When set to true, the top x-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false

  • y2axis: When set to true, the right y-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false


  • legend: User can pass a symbol to this keyword argument to indicate that more customisation will be passed for the legened of corresponding mark. User needs to provide the extra customisation via the Legend global keyword.


  • clip: Indicates if the marks should be clipped.

Represent a Text plot with given arguments.

Keyword arguments


  • text: The column to be used as text values for each point.

  • x: The column to be used as x coordinate.

  • y: The column to be used as y coordinate.

TextPlot Options

  • angleresponse: The column which its values will be used to determine the angle of text.

  • colorresponse: The column which its values will be used to determine the color of text.

  • opacityresponse: The column which its values will be used to determine the opacity of text.


  • group: The name of column for grouping observation. Each group of observations will create seperate text plot.

TextPlot appearance

  • align: The text alignment. default: :left

  • angle: The text angle. default: 0

  • color: The text color. default: :black

  • colormodel: It specifies the color scheme to use for the marks. default: :diverging

  • dir: The direction of the text, i.e. :ltr or :rtl. default: :ltr

  • font: The font name for displaying text.

  • fontweight: The font weight for displaying text, use 100 for thin font and 900 for the bold one.

  • italic: If true the italic style will be used for displaying text.

  • limit: The maximum length of the text mark in pixels. The text value will be automatically truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit.

  • opacity: The mark opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). default: 1

  • size: The font size for displaying text. default: 10

  • textbaseline: The text baseline. default: :alphabetic

Axes options

  • x2axis: When set to true, the top x-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false

  • y2axis: When set to true, the right y-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false


  • legend: User can pass a symbol to this keyword argument to indicate that more customisation will be passed for the legened of corresponding mark. User needs to provide the extra customisation via the Legend global keyword.


  • clip: Indicates if the marks should be clipped.

Represent a Violin Plot with given arguments.

Keyword arguments


  • x: User should pass multiple columns for plotting the comparative violin plot, i.e. side by side violin plot for passed columns. User must pass either this or the y argument. default: 0

  • y: User should pass multiple columns for plotting the comparative violin plot, i.e. side by side violin plot for passed columns. User must pass either this or the x argument. default: 0

Violin options

  • bw: The kernel bandwidth.

  • categoryorder: How the category should be ordered, i.e. :ascending, :descending, :data. default: :ascending

  • interpolate: The line interpolation algorithm for drawing the density line. default: :linear

  • missingmode: Indicate how to handle missing values in category or group. 0 = nothing, 1 = no missing in category. default: 0

  • npoints: The number of points for drawing the density line. default: 100

  • scale: The scale to be used for density estimation, see Density. default: StatisticalGraphics.violin_default_scale

  • weights: The kernel weight function. default: :gaussian


  • category: A category column which indicates the violin plot must be drawn within each category.

Violin appearance

  • color: The default color for the mark. User can pass color's name as symbol (e.g. :red), as string (e.g. "red"), as HTML color value (e.g. "#4682b4"), or pass a gradient color using the gradient() function.

  • filled: Specifiy the plot should be filled with color. default: true

  • fillopacity: Specifiy The fill opacity of the plot. default: 0.5

  • groupspace: The space between violins inside each category. It must be a number between 0 and 1. default: 0.05

  • opacity: Specifiy The opacity of the density line. default: 1

  • side: Specifiy which half of the violin plot should be plotted, i.e. :right(:bottom), :left(:top). default: :both

  • space: The space between violins. It must be a number between 0 and 1. default: 0.1

  • thickness: Specifiy The thickness of the outline line. default: 1

Axes options

  • x2axis: When set to true, the top x-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false

  • y2axis: When set to true, the right y-axis will be used for the current plot. default: false


  • legend: User can pass a symbol to this keyword argument to indicate that more customisation will be passed for the legened of corresponding mark. User needs to provide the extra customisation via the Legend global keyword.


  • clip: Indicates if the marks should be clipped.