Customising overall appearance

Source code notebook

using InMemoryDatasets, StatisticalGraphics

# generate random data
ds = Dataset(x=rand(100), y=rand(100))

Use the size keyword argument to control the symbol's size

sgplot(ds, Scatter(x=:x, y=:y, size=200))

The outlinecolor and color arguments control the outline and fill color of symbol

sgplot(ds, Scatter(x=:x, y=:y, size=200, outlinecolor=:white,

The gradient function may be used for creating fancier colors

sgplot(ds, Scatter(x=:x, y=:y, size=200, outlinecolor=:white,

By default, circle will be used to depict the symbol, however, user may pass the symbol argument to change the default behaviour

sgplot(ds, Scatter(x=:x, y=:y, size=200, outlinecolor=:white,
                         color=:steelblue, symbol=:square))

Pass the clip=false keyword argument to avoid clipping the points in the boundary of the graph. Note that the clip=false can be pass as a global argument. In this case all plots will be drawn with clip=false.

sgplot(ds, Scatter(x=:x, y=:y, size=200, outlinecolor=:steelblue,
                         color=:white, clip=false))

User can change the wall color of the graph by passing the global wallcolor option.

sgplot(ds, Scatter(x=:x, y=:y, size=200, outlinecolor=:steelblue,
                         color=:white, clip=false), wallcolor=:lightgray)

The grid for each axis can be set within the corresponding axis. This option must be pass to the sgplot function.

sgplot(ds, Scatter(x=:x, y=:y, size=200, outlinecolor=:steelblue,
                         color=:white, clip=false), wallcolor=:lightgray,
                         xaxis=Axis(grid=true, gridcolor=:white),
                         yaxis=Axis(grid=true, gridcolor=:white))

This page was generated using DemoCards.jl and Literate.jl.