Missing values and other features

Source code notebook

Like other types, Line accepts group to produce lines with different color for each group of observations

using InMemoryDatasets, DLMReader, StatisticalGraphics

By default Line ignores the missing values, however, passing breaks=true overrides this behaviour by making break when missing values encountered.

dubai_weather = filereader(joinpath(dirname(pathof(StatisticalGraphics)),
                                 "..", "docs", "assets", "dubai_weather.csv"),
                                 types=Dict(1 =>Date))
sgplot(dubai_weather, Line(x=:date, y=:pressure, breaks=true), xaxis=Axis(type=:date))

Users can overlay a Scatter on top of a line plot to include marks at each combination of x and y.

sgplot(dubai_weather, [Line(x=:date, y=:pressure, breaks=true), Scatter(x=:date, y=:pressure)], xaxis=Axis(type=:date))

multiple axes

          Band(x=:date, lower=:min, upper=:max),
          Line(x=:date, y=:min, color="#4682b4", thickness=1),
          Line(x=:date, y=:max, color="#ff7f0e", thickness=0.5),
          Line(x=:date, y=:pressure, color="#2ca02c", y2axis=true, breaks=true),
          Scatter(x=:date, y=:pressure, outlinecolor="#2ca02c", size=10, y2axis=true)
        xaxis=Axis(offset=10, type=:date, grid=true, griddash=[1, 1], title="Date"),
        yaxis=Axis(offset=10, grid=true, griddash=[1, 1], title="Temperature(°C)"),
        y2axis=Axis(offset=10, title="Pressure")

The interpolate keyword argument can be used to intepolate line,

ds = Dataset(x=1:10, y=rand(10))

color=Dict( :linear=>:blue,

sgplot(ds, [
              Line(x=:x, y=:y, interpolate=v, thickness=2, color=color[v])
              for v in keys(color)
            ]; Scatter(x=:x, y=:y, color=:steelblue, size=100)

This page was generated using DemoCards.jl and Literate.jl.