
Source code notebook

using InMemoryDatasets, DLMReader, StatisticalGraphics

Density can be used to fit a normal pdf or a kernel density to data. By default it used normal density.

ds = Dataset(x=rand(100))

sgplot(ds, Density(x=:x))

Passing type=:kernel allows fitting a kernel Distributions

sgplot(ds, Density(x=:x, type=:kernel))

Density like other plots allow group

iris = filereader(joinpath(dirname(pathof(StatisticalGraphics)),
                                 "..", "docs", "assets", "iris.csv"))

        Density(x=:SepalLength, type=:kernel, group=:Species)

Users allow to combine Density and Histogram

ds = Dataset(x=randn(100));
          Histogram(x=:x, color=:steelblue, outlinethickness=0.5, space=0.5),
          Density(x=:x, type=:kernel, color=:red, fillopacity=0.3),
          Density(x=:x, color=:green, fillopacity=0.3)
        xaxis = Axis(offset=10, domain=false),
        yaxis = Axis(offset=10, domain=false, grid=true)

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