Band plot
allows users to produce Band plot. The plot mark needs a coordinate and lower and upper values.
using InMemoryDatasets, DLMReader, StatisticalGraphics
ds = Dataset(
x = 1:4,
y = rand(4),
y2 = rand(4) .+ 5
sgplot(ds, Band(x=:x, lower=:y, upper=:y2))
Combining with other plots
dubai_weather = filereader(joinpath(dirname(pathof(StatisticalGraphics)),
"..", "docs", "assets", "dubai_weather.csv"),
types=Dict(1 =>Date))
Band(x=:date, lower=:min, upper=:max),
Line(x=:date, y=:min, color="#4682b4", thickness=1),
Line(x=:date, y=:max, color="#ff7f0e", thickness=0.5),
Line(x=:date, y=:pressure, color="#2ca02c", y2axis=true, breaks=true),
Scatter(x=:date, y=:pressure, outlinecolor="#2ca02c", size=10, y2axis=true)
xaxis=Axis(offset=10, type=:date, grid=true, griddash=[1, 1], title="Date"),
yaxis=Axis(offset=10, grid=true, griddash=[1, 1], title="Temperature(°C)"),
y2axis=Axis(offset=10, title="Pressure")
unemployment stacked area plot across industries
Reproducing an example from the vega
`s examples collection.
unemployment = filereader(joinpath(dirname(pathof(StatisticalGraphics)),
"..", "docs", "assets", "unemployment_across_industry.csv"),
types = Dict(2=>Date))
sort!(unemployment, :series, rev=true) # keep alphabetical order
modify!(groupby(unemployment, :date), :count=>cumsum=>:cum_sum)
sort!(unemployment, [:date,:cum_sum], rev=[false,true]) # put the larger areas behind the smaller one
Band(x=:date, lower=0.0, upper=:cum_sum, group=:series, opacity=1),
nominal = [:series],
xaxis=Axis(type=:time, nice=false),
groupcolormodel = Dict(:scheme=>"category20b"),
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