Transforming data sets


The modify! function can be used to transform and modify columns of a data set. Note that the function modifies the data set in-place and operates on actual values (rather than the formatted values). To modify a copy of data we should use the modify function. These two functions accept one column of data set and apply the provided functions on the fed column as a vector, this should be compared to map!/map functions which apply operations on individual observations.

Note that modify!/modify remove the format of columns as soon as their values are updated by a given transformation.

By default, these functions use multithreaded computation when a grouped data set is passed as their arguments, however, passing threads = false changes this.

Specifying the transformation

The first argument of these two functions is the name of the data set which is going to be modified and the next arguments can be the transform specifications, i.e.

modify!(ds, args...) or modify(ds, args...)

The simplest form of args is col => fun which calls fun on col as a vector and replaces col with the output of the call. col can be a column index or a column name. Thus, to replace the value of a column which is called :x1 in a data set ds with their standardised values, we can use the following expression:

modify!(ds, :x1 => stdze)

where :x1 is a column in ds, and stdze is a function which subtracts values by their mean and divide them by their standard deviation. If you don't want to replace the column, but instead you like to create a new column based on calling fun on col, the col => fun => :newname (here :newname is a name for the new column) form is handy. Thus, to standardised the values of a column, which is called :x1, and store them as a new column in the data set, you can use,

modify!(ds, :x1 => stdze => :x1_stdze)

To modify multiple columns of a data set with the same fun, we can use the cols => fun, where cols is a set of columns, this includes, a vector of columns indices, a vector of column names, a regular expression which selects some of the variables based on their names, or Between and Not types. When cols is referring to multiple columns, modify! automatically expands cols => fun to col1 => fun, col2 => fun, ..., where col1 is the first column in the selected columns, col2 is the second one, and so on. Thus to standardised all columns which starts with x in a data set, we can use the following expression:

modify!(ds, r"^x" => stdze)

Note that the Julia broadcasting can be also used for specifying args..., e.g. something like:

[1, 2, 3] .=> [stdze, x -> x .- mean(x), x -> x ./ sum(x)] .=> [:stdze_1, :m_2, :m_3]

will be translated as:

1 => stdze => :stdze_1, 2 => (x -> x .- mean(x)) => :m_2, 3 => (x -> x ./ sum(x)) => :m_3,

and something like:

:x1 .=> [sum, sort] .=> [:x1_sum, :x1_sort]

will be translated as:

:x1 => sum => :x1_sum, :x1 => sort => :x1_sort.


julia> ds = Dataset(x1 = 1:5, x2 = [-2, -1, missing, 1, 2],
                    x3 = [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, missing, 0.4])
5×3 Dataset
 Row │ x1        x2        x3
     │ identity  identity  identity
     │ Int64?    Int64?    Float64?
   1 │        1        -2       0.0
   2 │        2        -1       0.1
   3 │        3   missing       0.2
   4 │        4         1   missing
   5 │        5         2       0.4

julia> modify!(ds, 2:3 => IMD.sum)
5×3 Dataset
 Row │ x1        x2        x3       
     │ identity  identity  identity
     │ Int64?    Int64?    Float64?
   1 │        1         0       0.7
   2 │        2         0       0.7
   3 │        3         0       0.7
   4 │        4         0       0.7
   5 │        5         0       0.7

julia> modify!(ds, :x1 => x -> x .- IMD.mean(x))
5×3 Dataset
 Row │ x1        x2        x3       
     │ identity  identity  identity
     │ Float64?  Int64?    Float64?
   1 │     -2.0         0       0.7
   2 │     -1.0         0       0.7
   3 │      0.0         0       0.7
   4 │      1.0         0       0.7
   5 │      2.0         0       0.7

Accessing to modified columns

One of the key features of modify!/modify is that these functions have access to all modified/created variable in a single run of the function. It means, every transformation can be done on all columns that have been or updated by args arguments or any column which is created by col => fun => :newname syntax. In other words, for args... from left to right whenever a column is updated or created, the next operation has access to its value (either new or updated values). This will be particularly useful in conjunction with byrow which performs row-wise operations.

Specialised functions

There are two functions in Datasets which are very handy to modify a data set: byrow, and splitter.


The byrow function is discussed in length in another section as a stand-alone function, however, it can also be used as the fun when we want to specify the transformation in modify!/modify. The syntax of byrow is different from its stand-alone usage in the way that when byrow is the fun part of args in the syntax of modify!/modify functions, we don't need to specify ds and cols, however, every other arguments are the same as the stand-alone usage.

The main feature of byrow inside modify!/modify is that it can accept multiple columns as the input argument, opposed to the other functions inside modify!/modify which only accept single column. This and the fact that every transformation inside modify!/modify has access to modified columns, help to provide complex transformations in a single run of modify!/modify.

The form of args when byrow is the function is similar to other functions with the following exceptions:

  • When cols refers to multiple columns in cols => byrow(...), modify!/modify will create a new column with a names based on the arguments passed to it. The user can provide a custom name by using the cols => byrow(...) => :newname syntax.
  • When col refers to a single column in col => byrow(...), modify!/modify will apply operation on single values of the column and replace the column with the new values, i.e. it doesn't create a new column.
  • To use broadcasting with byrow, i.e. applying the same row-wise operation on multiple columns, the form must be cols .=> byrow where cols is a vector of column names or column indices (regular expression cannot be used for this purpose).


splitter is also a specialised function which has a single job: splitting a single column which is a Tuple of values into multiple columns. It only operates on a single columns and the values inside the column which needs to be split must be in the form of Tuples. The form of args for splitter must be similar to:

modify!(ds, col => splitter => [:new_col_1, :new_col_2])

which means we like to split col into two new columns; :new_col_1 and :new_col_2. Here col can be a column index or a column name.

Note, splitter produces as many columns as the length of the given new names, i.e. if the user provides fewer names than needed, the output columns will only contain partial components of the input Tuple.


julia> body = Dataset(weight = [78.5, 59, 80], height = [160, 171, 183])
3×2 Dataset
 Row │ weight    height   
     │ identity  identity
     │ Float64?  Int64?   
   1 │     78.5       160
   2 │     59.0       171
   3 │     80.0       183

julia> modify!(body, :height => byrow(x -> (x/100)^2) => :BMI, [1, 3] => byrow(/) => :BMI)
3×3 Dataset
 Row │ weight    height    BMI      
     │ identity  identity  identity
     │ Float64?  Int64?    Float64?
   1 │     78.5       160   30.6641
   2 │     59.0       171   20.1771
   3 │     80.0       183   23.8884

julia> sale = Dataset(customer = ["Bob Smith", "John Max", "Froon Moore"],
       item1_q1 = [23, 43, 50], item2_q1 = [44, 32, 55],
       item3_q1 = [45, 45, 54])
3×4 Dataset
 Row │ customer     item1_q1  item2_q1  item3_q1
     │ identity     identity  identity  identity
     │ String?      Int64?    Int64?    Int64?   
   1 │ Bob Smith          23        44        45
   2 │ John Max           43        32        45
   3 │ Froon Moore        50        55        54

julia> modify!(sale, 2:4 => byrow(sum) => :total)
3×5 Dataset
 Row │ customer     item1_q1  item2_q1  item3_q1  total    
     │ identity     identity  identity  identity  identity
     │ String?      Int64?    Int64?    Int64?    Int64?   
   1 │ Bob Smith          23        44        45       112
   2 │ John Max           43        32        45       120
   3 │ Froon Moore        50        55        54       159

julia> function name_split(x)
           spl = split(x, " ")
           (string(spl[1]), string(spl[2]))
name_split (generic function with 1 method)

julia> modify!(sale, :customer => byrow(name_split),
                     :customer => splitter => [:first_name, :last_name])
3×7 Dataset
 Row │ customer            item1_q1  item2_q1  item3_q1  total     first_name  last_name
     │ identity            identity  identity  identity  identity  identity    identity  
     │ Tuple…?             Int64?    Int64?    Int64?    Int64?    String?     String?   
   1 │ ("Bob", "Smith")          23        44        45       112  Bob         Smith
   2 │ ("John", "Max")           43        32        45       120  John        Max
   3 │ ("Froon", "Moore")        50        55        54       159  Froon       Moore

In the last example, we use byrow to apply name_split on each row of :customer, and since there is only one column as the input of byrow, modify! replaces the column with the new values. Also, note that the modify! function has access to these new values and we can use splitter to split the column into two new columns.

Using Tuple of column names

When the form of the transform specifications is as NTuple{col} => fun, modify! and modify assumes that the fun function accepts multiple arguments (multiple columns).

julia> body = Dataset(weight = [78.5, 59, 80], height = [160, 171, 183])
3×2 Dataset
 Row │ weight    height   
     │ identity  identity
     │ Float64?  Int64?   
   1 │     78.5       160
   2 │     59.0       171
   3 │     80.0       183

julia> modify(body, (:weight, :height)=> cor)
3×3 Dataset
 Row │ weight    height    cor_weight_height
     │ identity  identity  identity          
     │ Float64?  Int64?    Float64?          
   1 │     78.5       160          0.0890411
   2 │     59.0       171          0.0890411
   3 │     80.0       183          0.0890411