
This gallery contains some random questions about data manipulation that we found on internet. The original questions are posted in different forums and are related to different packages. Whenever, we can remember the original source of a question we provide a link to it, otherwise, we just re-asked the question as we remember it. There is no particular theme about the questions, we just found them interesting since, a) they are not trivial, b) they can be done relatively easy in InMemoryDatasets, c) our solution is more efficient than what we found in the original source.


julia> ds = Dataset([[1.66077, -1.05298, -0.499206, 2.47123, 2.45914, 1.14014],
                     [0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75],
                     [0.709184, -2.53609, 0.0130659, -0.587867, 0.55786, 1.60398],
                     [0.333, 0.333, 0.333, 0.333, 0.333, 0.333],
                     [1.47438, 2.01485, 2.49006, 1.80345, 0.569928, 1.58403],
                     [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                     [2.02678, 1.51587, 1.70535, 2.51628, 1.909, 0.794765],
                     [1.25, 1.25, 1.25, 1.25, 1.25, 1.25]],
                     ["a", "a_lim", "b", "b_lim", "c", "c_lim", "d", "d_lim"])
6×8 Dataset
 Row │ a          a_lim     b           b_lim     c         c_lim     d         d_lim    
     │ identity   identity  identity    identity  identity  identity  identity  identity
     │ Float64?   Float64?  Float64?    Float64?  Float64?  Int64?    Float64?  Float64?
   1 │  1.66077       0.75   0.709184      0.333  1.47438          1  2.02678       1.25
   2 │ -1.05298       0.75  -2.53609       0.333  2.01485          1  1.51587       1.25
   3 │ -0.499206      0.75   0.0130659     0.333  2.49006          1  1.70535       1.25
   4 │  2.47123       0.75  -0.587867      0.333  1.80345          1  2.51628       1.25
   5 │  2.45914       0.75   0.55786       0.333  0.569928         1  1.909         1.25
   6 │  1.14014       0.75   1.60398       0.333  1.58403          1  0.794765      1.25

julia> using Chain
julia> @chain ds begin
         compare(_[!, r"lim"], _[!, Not(r"lim")], cols = 1:4 .=> 1:4, eq = isless)
6-element Vector{Int32}:

map! and map

  • How to randomly change about 10% of data values to missing?
julia> ds = Dataset(rand(10, 3), :auto)
10×3 Dataset
 Row │ x1         x2         x3        
     │ identity   identity   identity  
     │ Float64?   Float64?   Float64?  
   1 │ 0.829492   0.266336   0.712512
   2 │ 0.206569   0.252967   0.133839
   3 │ 0.0773648  0.420897   0.363549
   4 │ 0.404912   0.495679   0.400661
   5 │ 0.412908   0.740628   0.785319
   6 │ 0.624809   0.971097   0.725747
   7 │ 0.19843    0.378382   0.0453478
   8 │ 0.851221   0.563592   0.450065
   9 │ 0.351243   0.0555308  0.142801
  10 │ 0.208414   0.739952   0.926834

julia> map!(ds, x->rand()<.1 ? missing : x, :)
10×3 Dataset
 Row │ x1               x2               x3        
     │ identity         identity         identity  
     │ Float64?         Float64?         Float64?  
   1 │       0.829492         0.266336   0.712512
   2 │       0.206569         0.252967   0.133839
   3 │       0.0773648        0.420897   0.363549
   4 │       0.404912         0.495679   0.400661
   5 │ missing                0.740628   0.785319
   6 │       0.624809   missing          0.725747
   7 │       0.19843          0.378382   0.0453478
   8 │ missing                0.563592   0.450065
   9 │       0.351243         0.0555308  0.142801
  10 │       0.208414         0.739952   0.926834

Row operations, byrow

  • In each row, how to replace missing values in a column by the first non-missing in previous columns. (Assuming for the first column the direction of search is reversed and all columns has the same type)
julia> ds = Dataset(rand([1,2,3, missing], 10, 6), :auto)
10×6 Dataset
 Row │ x1        x2        x3        x4        x5        x6       
     │ identity  identity  identity  identity  identity  identity
     │ Int64?    Int64?    Int64?    Int64?    Int64?    Int64?   
   1 │        1         1   missing         2   missing   missing
   2 │        2         1         3         3         2         3
   3 │        2         1   missing         3         3   missing
   4 │        1   missing   missing         1         1         1
   5 │        2         2   missing         1         3         1
   6 │  missing   missing         2         1   missing         1
   7 │  missing         2         3   missing         1         2
   8 │        3         3   missing         1         1         1
   9 │        3         1         1         3         1   missing
  10 │  missing         1         3         1         1         3

julia> byrow(ds, fill!, :, with = byrow(ds, coalesce, :), rolling = true)
10×6 Dataset
 Row │ x1        x2        x3        x4        x5        x6       
     │ identity  identity  identity  identity  identity  identity
     │ Int64?    Int64?    Int64?    Int64?    Int64?    Int64?   
   1 │        1         1         1         2         2         2
   2 │        2         1         3         3         2         3
   3 │        2         1         1         3         3         3
   4 │        1         1         1         1         1         1
   5 │        2         2         2         1         3         1
   6 │        2         2         2         1         1         1
   7 │        2         2         3         3         1         2
   8 │        3         3         3         1         1         1
   9 │        3         1         1         3         1         1
  10 │        1         1         3         1         1         3
  • A use-case from practice : We have a data frame that has 10,000 rows and columns, but this time we have 50% of missing values randomly scattered in it. What we want to do is to fill missing values in each row with row means of non-missing values.
julia> ds = Dataset(rand([1.0, missing], 10_000, 10_000), :auto) .* (1:10_000);

julia> byrow(ds, fill!, :, with = byrow(ds, mean, :));
  • How to determine whether two sets of variables have a shared value : I have a data that contains two sets of variables, and I want to compare whether the two sets have the same value. Here we provide a scalable solution where the columns for the first set have "1" in their names, and the columns for the second set have "2" in their names.

since in the original post there are some specifications for checking equality of values we define a customised equality function

julia> a1 = Dataset(z1 = [1,missing,3,4,5], x1 = string.(3:7), z2 = [2,missing,4,5,6], x2 = [3,5,4,7,5])
5×4 Dataset
 Row │ z1        x1        z2        x2       
     │ identity  identity  identity  identity
     │ Int64?    String?   Int64?    Int64?   
   1 │        1  3                2         3
   2 │  missing  4          missing         5
   3 │        3  5                4         4
   4 │        4  6                5         7
   5 │        5  7                6         5

julia> eq(x, y) = isequal(x, y)
julia> eq(x::String, y) = isequal(parse(Int,x), y)
julia> eq(x, y::String) = isequal(x, parse(Int, y))
julia> eq(x::String, y::String) = isequal(parse(Int, x), parse(Int, y))
julia> eq(::Missing, ::Missing) = false
julia> a1.result = reduce((x,y) -> x .|= byrow(a1, in, r"2", item = y, eq = eq), names(a1, r"1"), init = zeros(Bool, nrow(a1)))
5-element Vector{Bool}:
julia> using DLMReader, Chain
julia> ds = filereader(IOBuffer("""item,length,width,height,color,option_1,option_2,option_3
                        Box 1,2,4,6,,length,width,height

julia> @chain ds begin
         filter(2:4, by = !ismissing, type = any, view = true) # filter rows with dimensions
         modify!(Ref(2:4) .=> [byrow(select, with = 6), byrow(select, with = 7), byrow(select, with = 8)] .=> [:_t1, :_t2, :_t3],  # extract dimensions
                 r"_t" => byrow(join, delim = " × ") => :size, # create :size
                 :size => byrow(x->"size : " * replace(x, r" × $"=>"")) # remove orphans " × " at the end
         filter(parent(_), 5, by = !ismissing, view = true) # filter rows with colours
         modify!(:color => byrow(x->"color : " * x) => :col) # create :col
         modify!(parent(_), [:size, :col]=>byrow(x->ismissing(x[1]) ? x[2] : ismissing(x[2]) ? x[1] : x[1] * ", " * x[2])=>:option_set) # join :size and :col
         select!(Not([:size, :col]), Not(r"_t")) # remove temp columns
3×9 Dataset
 Row │ item      length    width     height    color     option_1  option_2  option_3  option_set                   
     │ identity  identity  identity  identity  identity  identity  identity  identity  identity                     
     │ String?   Int64?    Int64?    Int64?    String?   String?   String?   String?   String?                      
   1 │ Box 1            2         4         6  missing   length    width     height    size : 2 × 4 × 6
   2 │ Tape            10         3   missing  clear     width     length    color     size : 3 × 10, color : clear
   3 │ Pen        missing   missing   missing  red       color     missing   missing   color : red


julia> ds = Dataset(rand(10, 5), :auto)
10×5 Dataset
 Row │ x1          x2         x3         x4         x5        
     │ identity    identity   identity   identity   identity  
     │ Float64?    Float64?   Float64?   Float64?   Float64?  
   1 │ 0.00924202  0.780238   0.270591   0.340518   0.815554
   2 │ 0.0653996   0.427389   0.834984   0.142269   0.632195
   3 │ 0.930175    0.0556611  0.70946    0.424178   0.389117
   4 │ 0.368194    0.88762    0.145652   0.0967154  0.953927
   5 │ 0.616674    0.202607   0.0228603  0.347016   0.597645
   6 │ 0.293204    0.570458   0.440695   0.28341    0.948588
   7 │ 0.46431     0.519242   0.360305   0.243189   0.133591
   8 │ 0.663426    0.756596   0.46699    0.511906   0.0340278
   9 │ 0.681305    0.23287    0.35492    0.754141   0.134459
  10 │ 0.0739887   0.157783   0.697812   0.421743   0.229453

julia> filter(ds, 1:2, type = isless, with = :x5, rev = true)
3×5 Dataset
 Row │ x1        x2        x3        x4        x5        
     │ identity  identity  identity  identity  identity  
     │ Float64?  Float64?  Float64?  Float64?  Float64?  
   1 │ 0.46431   0.519242  0.360305  0.243189  0.133591
   2 │ 0.663426  0.756596  0.46699   0.511906  0.0340278
   3 │ 0.681305  0.23287   0.35492   0.754141  0.134459


julia> ds = Dataset(id = [1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3],
                    date = Date.(["2019-03-05", "2019-03-12", "2019-04-10",
                            "2019-04-29", "2019-05-10", "2019-03-20",
                            "2019-04-22", "2019-05-04", "2019-11-01",
                            "2019-11-10", "2019-12-12"]),
                    outcome = [false, false, false, true, false, false,
                               true, false, true, true, true])
11×3 Dataset
 Row │ id        date        outcome  
     │ identity  identity    identity
     │ Int64?    Date?       Bool?    
   1 │        1  2019-03-05     false
   2 │        1  2019-03-12     false
   3 │        1  2019-04-10     false
   4 │        1  2019-04-29      true
   5 │        1  2019-05-10     false
   6 │        2  2019-03-20     false
   7 │        2  2019-04-22      true
   8 │        2  2019-05-04     false
   9 │        3  2019-11-01      true
  10 │        3  2019-11-10      true
  11 │        3  2019-12-12      true

julia> combine(gatherby(ds, [1, 3], isgathered = true),
                        (:) => last,
                        dropgroupcols = true)
7×3 Dataset
 Row │ last_id   last_date   last_outcome
     │ identity  identity    identity     
     │ Int64?    Date?       Bool?        
   1 │        1  2019-04-10         false
   2 │        1  2019-04-29          true
   3 │        1  2019-05-10         false
   4 │        2  2019-03-20         false
   5 │        2  2019-04-22          true
   6 │        2  2019-05-04         false
   7 │        3  2019-12-12          true


julia> store = Dataset([Date.(["2019-10-01", "2019-10-02", "2019-10-03", "2019-10-04",
                         "2019-10-05", "2019-10-01", "2019-10-02", "2019-10-03",
                         "2019-10-04", "2019-10-05"]),
                         ["A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "B", "B"]],
                         ["date", "store"])
julia> roster = Dataset([["A", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "B"],
                         [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
                         [Date("2019-09-30"), Date("2019-10-02"), Date("2019-10-03"), Date("2019-10-04"),
                         Date("2019-09-30"), Date("2019-10-02"), Date("2019-10-03"), Date("2019-10-04")],
                         [Date("2019-10-04"), Date("2019-10-04"), Date("2019-10-05"), Date("2019-10-06"),
                         Date("2019-10-04"), Date("2019-10-04"), Date("2019-10-05"), Date("2019-10-06")]],
                         ["store", "employee_ID", "start_date", "end_date"])
julia> using Chain
julia> @chain store begin
          innerjoin(roster, on = [:store => :store, :date => (:start_date, :end_date)])
          groupby([:store, :date])
          combine(:employee_ID => length)
10×3 Dataset
 Row │ store     date        length_employee_ID
     │ identity  identity    identity           
     │ String?   Date?       Int64?             
   1 │ A         2019-10-01                   1
   2 │ A         2019-10-02                   2
   3 │ A         2019-10-03                   3
   4 │ A         2019-10-04                   4
   5 │ A         2019-10-05                   2
   6 │ B         2019-10-01                   1
   7 │ B         2019-10-02                   2
   8 │ B         2019-10-03                   3
   9 │ B         2019-10-04                   4
  10 │ B         2019-10-05                   2


julia> ds = Dataset("Country_Code"=>["FR","FR","FR","USA","USA","USA","BR","BR","BR"],
                    "2005"=>[14,34,56, 25, 67, 68, 55, 8,99],
                    "2006"=>[23, 34, 34, 43,34,34, 65, 34,45])
9×4 Dataset
 Row │ Country_Code  Indicator_Name  2005      2006     
     │ identity      identity        identity  identity
     │ String?       String?         Int64?    Int64?   
   1 │ FR            GPD                   14        23
   2 │ FR            Pop                   34        34
   3 │ FR            birth                 56        34
   4 │ USA           GPD                   25        43
   5 │ USA           Pop                   67        34
   6 │ USA           birth                 68        34
   7 │ BR            GPD                   55        65
   8 │ BR            Pop                    8        34
   9 │ BR            birth                 99        45

julia> transpose(gatherby(ds, 1), 3:4, id = r"Name")
6×5 Dataset
 Row │ Country_Code  _variables_  GPD       Pop       birth    
     │ identity      identity     identity  identity  identity
     │ String?       String?      Int64?    Int64?    Int64?   
   1 │ FR            2005               14        34        56
   2 │ FR            2006               23        34        34
   3 │ USA           2005               25        67        68
   4 │ USA           2006               43        34        34
   5 │ BR            2005               55         8        99
   6 │ BR            2006               65        34        45

for loops

julia> using Chain
julia> ds = Dataset( [["Becks", "307NRR", "321NRR", "342NRR", "Campbell", "329NRR", "347NRR", "Crows", "C3001R"],
                     [missing, "R", "R", "R", missing, "R", "R", missing, "R"],
                     [missing, "CM,SG", "CM,SG", "CM,SG", missing, "None", "None", missing, "None"],
                     [missing, 3.0, 3.2, 3.4, missing, 3.2, 3.4, missing, 3.0]], :auto)
9×4 Dataset
 Row │ x1        x2        x3        x4        
     │ identity  identity  identity  identity  
     │ String?   String?   String?   Float64?  
   1 │ Becks     missing   missing   missing   
   2 │ 307NRR    R         CM,SG           3.0
   3 │ 321NRR    R         CM,SG           3.2
   4 │ 342NRR    R         CM,SG           3.4
   5 │ Campbell  missing   missing   missing   
   6 │ 329NRR    R         None            3.2
   7 │ 347NRR    R         None            3.4
   8 │ Crows     missing   missing   missing   
   9 │ C3001R    R         None            3.0

julia> function replace_with_prev(x,y)
           res = similar(x, length(x))
           for i in 1:length(x)
               if !ismissing(y[i])
                   res[i] = res[i-1]
                   res[i] = x[i]
f1 (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> @chain ds begin
         modify!((1,2)=>replace_with_prev=>:name) # find previous name
         dropmissing!(2) # drop unwanted rows
         select!(:name, :) # rearrange columns
6×5 Dataset
 Row │ name      x1        x2        x3        x4       
     │ identity  identity  identity  identity  identity
     │ String?   String?   String?   String?   Float64?
   1 │ Becks     307NRR    R         CM,SG          3.0
   2 │ Becks     321NRR    R         CM,SG          3.2
   3 │ Becks     342NRR    R         CM,SG          3.4
   4 │ Campbell  329NRR    R         None           3.2
   5 │ Campbell  347NRR    R         None           3.4
   6 │ Crows     C3001R    R         None           3.0