Filter observations


In this section, the InMemoryDatasets' APIs for filtering observations are discussed. We provides information about four main ways to filter observations based on some conditions, 1) using the byrow function, 2) using the mask function, 3) using the contains and related functions, 4) and using Julia broadcasting.


byrow has been discussed previously in details. However, in this section we are going to use it for filtering observations. To use byrow(ds, fun, cols, ...) for filtering observations, we set fun argument to all or any, and supply the conditions by using the by keyword option. The supplied by will be checked for each observation in all selected columns. The function returns a boolean vector where its jth elements will be equivalent to the result of all(by, [col1[j], col2[j], ...]) or any(by, [col1[j], col2[j], ...]) when all or any is set as the fun argument, respectively.

The main feature of byrow(ds, fun, cols, by = ...) when fun is all/any is that the by keyword argument can be a vector of functions. Thus, when a multiple columns are supplied as cols each column can have its own by. To filter based on formatted value the mapformats keyword argument must be set to true.

Naturally, other funs supported by byrow which return a Vector{Bool} or BitVector can be used to filter observations, too.

filter and filter!

The filter function exploits the byrow function to filter a data set. Basically, it calls byrow(ds, type, cols; ...) to return a boolean vector which its true elements indicate the filtered rows, and subsequently, it calls findall and getindex to extract those filtered rows. Thus, user must pass a value to type which byrow(ds, type, cols; ...) returns a boolean vector (or a BitVector).

If view = false a freshly allocated Dataset is returned, otherwise, a SubDataset view into ds is returned.

The missings keyword argument controls how the missing values should be interpreted by filter. By default, the missing values are left as missing, however, user can set it as false or true to force filter to interpret the missing values as false or true, respectively.

Beside type and missings, any passed keyword arguments to filter will be passed to the corresponding byrow function. For a list of keyword arguments supported by a given type, see the help of byrow for that specific type, e.g. in Julia REPL type ?byrow(type) for a given type to see the documentation of the selected type.

The following provides more details about type = all and type = any.

type = all and type = any

When type = all (type = any), filter filters each row that all (any) of its values are true (testing by isequal). User can pass the keyword argument by to replace isequal with any other predicators. The by keyword argument can be a single function or a vector of functions. When a single function is passed to the by keyword argument, all columns use it as predicator, however, by passing a vector of functions, user can pass a separate predicator to each column.

By default, when type is all or any, the filter function uses the actual values of each row, however, by passing mapformats = true, the formatted values will be used instead.

Note that, multithreading is on by default for types all and any, thus, filter exploits all the cores available to Julia for performing the computations. User can pass threads = false to disable this feature.

delete and delete!

The delete and delete! functions are similar to the filter and filter! functions, respectivley, however, instead of filtering rows, these functions remove the filtered rows.


The first expression creates a data set, and in the second one we use byrow to filter all rows which the values of all columns are equal to 1.

julia> ds = Dataset(x1 = 1, x2 = 1:10, x3 = repeat(1:2, 5))
10×3 Dataset
 Row │ x1        x2        x3       
     │ identity  identity  identity
     │ Int64?    Int64?    Int64?   
   1 │        1         1         1
   2 │        1         2         2
   3 │        1         3         1
   4 │        1         4         2
   5 │        1         5         1
   6 │        1         6         2
   7 │        1         7         1
   8 │        1         8         2
   9 │        1         9         1
  10 │        1        10         2

julia> byrow(ds, all, :, by = isequal(1))
10-element Vector{Bool}:

Note that only the first row is meeting the condition. As another example, let's see the code which filter all rows which the numbers in all columns are odd.

julia> filter(ds, :, by = isodd)

 5×3 Dataset
  Row │ x1        x2        x3       
      │ identity  identity  identity
      │ Int64?    Int64?    Int64?   
    1 │        1         1         1
    2 │        1         3         1
    3 │        1         5         1
    4 │        1         7         1
    5 │        1         9         1

In the next example we are going to filter all rows which the value of any of column is greater than 5.

julia> byrow(ds, any, :, by = >(5))
10-element Vector{Bool}:

The next example shows how a vector of functions can be supplied:

julia> byrow(ds, all, 2:3, by = [>(5), isodd])
10-element Vector{Bool}:

In the next example we pass the missings keyword argument:

julia> ds = Dataset(x = [2, 4, 6, missing], y = [1, 2, 3, 4])
4×2 Dataset
 Row │ x         y        
     │ identity  identity 
     │ Int64?    Int64?   
   1 │        2         1
   2 │        4         2
   3 │        6         3
   4 │  missing         4

julia> filter(ds, [:x, :y], by = iseven, missings = false)
1×2 Dataset
 Row │ x         y        
     │ identity  identity 
     │ Int64?    Int64?   
   1 │        4         2

julia> filter(ds, [:x, :y], by = iseven, missings = true)
2×2 Dataset
 Row │ x         y        
     │ identity  identity 
     │ Int64?    Int64?   
   1 │        4         2
   2 │  missing         4

We can use the combination of modify!/modify and byrow to filter observations based on all values in a column, e.g. in the following example we filter all rows which :x2 and :x3 are larger than their means:

julia> modify!(ds, 2:3 .=> (x -> x .> mean(x)) .=> [:_tmp1, :_tmp2])
10×5 Dataset
 Row │ x1        x2        x3        _tmp1     _tmp2    
     │ identity  identity  identity  identity  identity
     │ Int64?    Int64?    Int64?    Bool?     Bool?    
   1 │        1         1         1     false     false
   2 │        1         2         2     false      true
   3 │        1         3         1     false     false
   4 │        1         4         2     false      true
   5 │        1         5         1     false     false
   6 │        1         6         2      true      true
   7 │        1         7         1      true     false
   8 │        1         8         2      true      true
   9 │        1         9         1      true     false
  10 │        1        10         2      true      true

julia> filter(ds, r"_tm") # translate to ds[byrow(ds, all, r"_tm"), :]

3×5 Dataset
Row │ x1        x2        x3        _tmp1     _tmp2    
    │ identity  identity  identity  identity  identity
    │ Int64?    Int64?    Int64?    Bool?     Bool?    
  1 │        1         6         2      true      true
  2 │        1         8         2      true      true
  3 │        1        10         2      true      true

Note that to drop the temporary columns we can use the select! function.

In the following example we use different function for type. By passing type = isequal we filter observations which are equal for all columns in each row.

julia> ds = Dataset(x1 = [1,2,3,1,2,3], x2 = [1,2,1,2,1,2])
6×2 Dataset
 Row │ x1        x2       
     │ identity  identity
     │ Int64?    Int64?   
   1 │        1         1
   2 │        2         2
   3 │        3         1
   4 │        1         2
   5 │        2         1
   6 │        3         2

julia> filter(ds, :, type = isequal)
2×2 Dataset
 Row │ x1        x2       
     │ identity  identity
     │ Int64?    Int64?   
   1 │        1         1
   2 │        2         2


mask is a function which calls a function (or a vector of functions) on all observations of a set of selected columns. The syntax for mask is very similar to map function:

mask(ds, funs, cols, [mapformats = true, missings = false, threads = true])

however, unlike map, the function doesn't return the whole modified dataset, it returns a boolean data set with the same number of rows as ds and the same number of columns as the length of cols, while fun has been called on each observation. The return value of fun must be true, false, or missing. The combination of mask and byrow can be used to filter observations.

Compared to filter/! (delete/!), the mask function has the following default behaviour:

  • mask returns a boolean data set which shows exactly which observation will be selected when fun is called on it.
  • By default, the mask function filters observations based on their formatted values. And to change this we should pass mapformats = false.
  • By default, the mask function will treat the missing values as false, however, this behaviour can be modified by using the keyword option missings. This option can be set as true, false(default value), or missing.


julia> ds = Dataset(x1 = repeat(1:2, 5), x2 = 1:10, x3 = repeat([missing, 2], 5))
10×3 Dataset
 Row │ x1        x2        x3       
     │ identity  identity  identity
     │ Int64?    Int64?    Int64?   
   1 │        1         1   missing
   2 │        2         2         2
   3 │        1         3   missing
   4 │        2         4         2
   5 │        1         5   missing
   6 │        2         6         2
   7 │        1         7   missing
   8 │        2         8         2
   9 │        1         9   missing
  10 │        2        10         2

julia> setformat!(ds, 2 => isodd)
10×3 Dataset
Row │ x1        x2      x3       
    │ identity  isodd   identity
    │ Int64?    Int64?  Int64?   
  1 │        1    true   missing
  2 │        2   false         2
  3 │        1    true   missing
  4 │        2   false         2
  5 │        1    true   missing
  6 │        2   false         2
  7 │        1    true   missing
  8 │        2   false         2
  9 │        1    true   missing
 10 │        2   false         2

julia>  mask(ds, isequal(1), :) # simple use case
10×3 Dataset
 Row │ x1        x2        x3       
     │ identity  identity  identity
     │ Bool?     Bool?     Bool?    
   1 │     true      true     false
   2 │    false     false     false
   3 │     true      true     false
   4 │    false     false     false
   5 │     true      true     false
   6 │    false     false     false
   7 │     true      true     false
   8 │    false     false     false
   9 │     true      true     false
  10 │    false     false     false

julia> _tmp = mask(ds, isequal(1), :, mapformats = false) # use the actual values instead of formatted values
10×3 Dataset
Row │ x1        x2        x3       
    │ identity  identity  identity
    │ Bool?     Bool?     Bool?    
  1 │     true      true     false
  2 │    false     false     false
  3 │     true     false     false
  4 │    false     false     false
  5 │     true     false     false
  6 │    false     false     false
  7 │     true     false     false
  8 │    false     false     false
  9 │     true     false     false
 10 │    false     false     false

julia> filter(_tmp, :, type = any) # OR ds[byrow(_tmp, any, :), :]. This uses the result of previous run
5×3 Dataset
 Row │ x1        x2      x3       
     │ identity  isodd   identity
     │ Int64?    Int64?  Int64?   
   1 │        1    true   missing
   2 │        1    true   missing
   3 │        1    true   missing
   4 │        1    true   missing
   5 │        1    true   missing

julia> mask(ds, [isodd, ==(2)], 2:3, missings = missing) # using a vector of functions and setting missings option
10×2 Dataset
 Row │ x2        x3       
     │ identity  identity
     │ Bool?     Bool?    
   1 │     true   missing
   2 │    false      true
   3 │     true   missing
   4 │    false      true
   5 │     true   missing
   6 │    false      true
   7 │     true   missing
   8 │    false      true
   9 │     true   missing
  10 │    false      true

Filtering a data set based on another data set should be done via contains, semijoin, semijoin!, antijoin, and antijoin! functions. These functions are discussed in the section about joining data sets, and here we just provide some examples about how to use them for filtering a data set.

Additionally, these functions can be used in situations when a data set needed to be filter based on a set of values. In these cases, a temporary data set can be formed by given values and then one of the aforementioned functions can be used.


julia> ds1 = Dataset(x = [1,7,4,5], y = [.1,.2,.3,.4])
4×2 Dataset
 Row │ x         y        
     │ identity  identity
     │ Int64?    Float64?
   1 │        1       0.1
   2 │        7       0.2
   3 │        4       0.3
   4 │        5       0.4

julia> ds2 = Dataset(x = [1,3,5,7,11])
5×1 Dataset
 Row │ x        
     │ identity
     │ Int64?   
   1 │        1
   2 │        3
   3 │        5
   4 │        7
   5 │       11

julia> contains(ds1,ds2, on = :x)
4-element Vector{Bool}:

julia> semijoin(ds1,ds2, on = :x)
3×2 Dataset
 Row │ x         y        
     │ identity  identity
     │ Int64?    Float64?
   1 │        1       0.1
   2 │        7       0.2
   3 │        5       0.4

julia> vals = [.05,.01,.1,.4];

julia> _tmp = Dataset(vals = vals)
4×1 Dataset
 Row │ vals     
     │ identity
     │ Float64?
   1 │     0.05
   2 │     0.01
   3 │     0.1
   4 │     0.4

julia> antijoin!(ds1, _tmp, on = :y=>:vals)
2×2 Dataset
 Row │ x         y        
     │ identity  identity
     │ Int64?    Float64?
   1 │        7       0.2
   2 │        4       0.3

julia> ; Since vals is a vector we can directly use filter

julia> ds1 = Dataset(x = [1,7,4,5], y = [.1,.2,.3,.4]);

julia> filter!(ds1, :y, by = !in(Set(vals)))
2×2 Dataset
 Row │ x         y        
     │ identity  identity
     │ Int64?    Float64?
   1 │        7       0.2
   2 │        4       0.3

Julia broadcasting

Note that, in general, byrow, filter, or filter! are preferred methods to filter data sets compared to broadcasting

For simple use case (e.g. when working on a single column) we can use broadcasting directly. For example if we are interested in rows which the first column is greater than 5 we can directly use (assume the data set is called ds):

ds[ds[!, 1] .> 1, :]

or use the column names.


In the following examples we use . for broadcasting, and its important to include it in your code when you are going to use this option for filtering observations.

julia> ds = Dataset(x1 = repeat(1:2, 5), x2 = 1:10, x3 = repeat([missing, 2], 5))
10×3 Dataset
 Row │ x1        x2        x3       
     │ identity  identity  identity
     │ Int64?    Int64?    Int64?   
   1 │        1         1   missing
   2 │        2         2         2
   3 │        1         3   missing
   4 │        2         4         2
   5 │        1         5   missing
   6 │        2         6         2
   7 │        1         7   missing
   8 │        2         8         2
   9 │        1         9   missing
  10 │        2        10         2

julia> ds[ds.x1 .== 2, :]
5×3 Dataset
Row │ x1        x2        x3       
    │ identity  identity  identity
    │ Int64?    Int64?    Int64?   
  1 │        2         2         2
  2 │        2         4         2
  3 │        2         6         2
  4 │        2         8         2
  5 │        2        10         2

julia> ds[(ds.x1 .== 1) .& (ds.x2 .> 5), :]
2×3 Dataset
Row │ x1        x2        x3       
    │ identity  identity  identity
    │ Int64?    Int64?    Int64?   
  1 │        1         7   missing
  2 │        1         9   missing

julia> using BenchmarkTools

julia> ds = Dataset(rand(1:1000, 10^6, 10), :auto);

julia> @btime ds[ds.x1 .== 100, :];
  1.579 ms (480 allocations: 251.73 KiB)

julia> @btime filter(ds, :x1, by = ==(100));
  508.430 μs (568 allocations: 1.21 MiB)

There are few other functions in InMemoryDatasets which can be used to filter observations. Those are

  • completecases
  • dropmissing
  • dropmissing!
  • duplicates
  • unique
  • unique!

The completecases, dropmissing, dropmissing! functions use byrow to find or filter missing observations. The duplicates, unique, and unique! function can be used to filter duplicates rows in a data set.