Function byrow


The byrow function is a high performance (multi-threaded) function for row-wise operations. It is designed to make tasks like summing up each row simple, efficient, and lightening fast. The function can be used as a stand-alone function or inside modify/modify! or combine functions. The stand-alone syntax of the function is byrow(ds, fun, cols, ...), where ds is a data set, fun is a function, and cols is the list of columns which row-wise operation is going to be applied on their values in each row, e.g. the following code creates a data set with 100,000 rows and 100 columns, and adds the values in each row,

julia> ds = Dataset(rand(10^5, 100), :auto);
julia> byrow(ds, sum, 1:100)
100000-element Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}:

As it can be observed the function syntax is very straightforward, and to examine the efficiency of it, we use the @btime macro from the BenchmarkTools package,

julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> @btime byrow(ds, sum, 1:100);
  4.528 ms (1587 allocations: 919.97 KiB)
julia> m = Matrix(ds)
julia> @btime sum(m, dims = 2)
  14.867 ms (7 allocations: 879.11 KiB)

In the above benchmark, byrow should be even more performant when the data set has a group of heterogeneous columns.

Optimised operations

Generally, byrow is efficient for any fun which returns a single value for each row, however, it is fine tuned for the following functions: (for details of each of the following function refer to its docstring by typing ?byrow(fun) in a Julia session, e.g. ?byrow(sum))

  • all : Test whether all elements of a boolean collection are true
  • any : Test whether any elements of a boolean collection are true
  • argmax : Return the column name of the maximum element
  • argmin : Return the column name of the minimum element
  • coalesce : Return the first value which is not equal to missing
  • count : Count the number of trues
  • findfirst : Return the column name of the first true value. Alternatively, user can pass a vector of values to item to search for the first column with the same value.
  • findlast : Return the column name of the last true value. Alternatively, user can pass a vector of values to item to search for the first column with the same value.
  • hash : Compute an integer hash code
  • in : Determine whether values passed via the item keyword argument are in the given collection of columns.
  • isequal : Return true when all values are equal. Optionally, a vector of values can be passed via the with keyword to compare equality with it.
  • isless : Return true when all values are less than passed vector(or column specified by its name) as with. Passing rev = true change less to greater.
  • issorted : Check if the values are sorted
  • join: Convert values in each row to string and join them into a single string, inserting the given delimiter (if any) between adjacent values. If last is given, it will be used instead of delim between the last two strings.
  • maximum : Return the maximum value
  • mean : Compute the mean value
  • minimum : Return the minimum value
  • nunique : Return the number of unique values
  • prod : Return the product of values
  • select : Select values of specific columns in each row. The specific columns can be passed using with = scols, where scols can be a vector of columns names or a column name of the passed data set.
  • std : Compute the standard deviation of values
  • sum : Return the sum of values
  • var : Compute the variance of values

The common syntax of byrow for most of these functions is:

byrow(ds, fun, cols; [by , threads = true])

The by keyword argument is for specifying a function to call on each value before calling fun to aggregate the result, and threads = true causes byrow to exploit all cores available to Julia for performing the computations.

The nunique function doesn't accept threads argument, however, it has an extra keyword argument count_missing. nunique counts the number of unique values of each row, and count_missing = true counts missings as a unique value.

The coalesce and issorted functions don't accept by argument, however, issorted and isless accept extra keyword argument rev which is set to false by default, and isequal, select, and isless accept extra keyword argument with for passing a vector of values or a column name.

By default, issorted and isless use the isless function for comparing values, however, user can pass any other function via the lt keyword argument.

A column name or a vector of values must be passed via item if in operation is used in byrow. By default, in operation uses isequal(item, collection) for determining whether an item is in the given collection, however, any user defined function passed via the eq keyword argument can replace it. Both findfirst and findlast support the eq keyword argument.


Let's first create an example data set which we will use for the rest of this section:

julia> ds = Dataset(g = [1, 1, 1, 2, 2],
                    x1_int = [0, 0, 1, missing, 2],
                    x2_int = [3, 2, 1, 3, -2],
                    x1_float = [1.2, missing, -1.0, 2.3, 10],
                    x2_float = [missing, missing, 3.0, missing, missing],
                    x3_float = [missing, missing, -1.4, 3.0, -100.0])
5×6 Dataset
 Row │ g         x1_int    x2_int    x1_float   x2_float   x3_float
     │ identity  identity  identity  identity   identity   identity
     │ Int64?    Int64?    Int64?    Float64?   Float64?   Float64?
   1 │        1         0         3        1.2  missing    missing
   2 │        1         0         2  missing    missing    missing
   3 │        1         1         1       -1.0        3.0       -1.4
   4 │        2   missing         3        2.3  missing          3.0
   5 │        2         2        -2       10.0  missing       -100.0

To compute the mean of each row for the float columns, we simply call,

julia> byrow(ds, mean, r"_float")
5-element Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}:

Note that, since for the second row all values are missing, the result of mean is also missing.

To calculate the mean of the absolute value of each row for the float columns we use the same code and pass by = abs as the keyword argument,

julia> byrow(ds, mean, r"_float", by = abs)
5-element Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}:

To find rows which all their values are greater than 0 in the first three columns we can use the following code,

julia> byrow(ds, all, 1:3, by = x -> isless(0, x))
5-element Vector{Bool}:

Note that in Julia isless(0, missing) is true.

To find rows which contain at least one missing value in any of the columns we can use the following code,

julia> byrow(ds, any, :, by = ismissing)
5-element Vector{Bool}:

It means that except the third row, all other rows contain missing values. Using byrow with count function, we can count the number of non-missing values in each row,

julia> byrow(ds, count, :, by = !ismissing)
5-element Vector{Int32}:

To check if in each row all integer columns are less(greater) than x1_float we should use the following code:

julia> byrow(ds, isless, r"int", with = :x1_float)
5-element Vector{Bool}:

julia> byrow(ds, isless, r"int", with = :x1_float, rev = true) # greater
5-element Vector{Bool}:

In the following example, in each row we pick the values of selected columns passed by the with keyword argument.

julia> ds2 = Dataset(x1 = 1:4, x2 = [1,2,1,2], NAMES = [:x1, :x2, :x1, :x1])
4×3 Dataset
 Row │ x1        x2        NAMES    
     │ identity  identity  identity
     │ Int64?    Int64?    Symbol?  
   1 │        1         1  x1
   2 │        2         2  x2
   3 │        3         1  x1
   4 │        4         2  x1

julia> byrow(ds2, select, r"x", with = :NAMES)
4-element Vector{Union{Missing, Int64}}:

julia> byrow(ds2, select, r"x", with = ["x1", "x2", "x2", "x2"])
4-element Vector{Union{Missing, Int64}}:

julia> byrow(ds2, select, [:x2, :x1], with = [1,2,2,1])
4-element Vector{Union{Missing, Int64}}:

In the last example, note that the integers in with are mapped to the corresponding columns passed to the function, i.e. 1 is referring to :x2 (it is the first column passed to the function as the column selector) and 2 is referring to :x1.


One special function that can be used as fun in the byrow function is mapreduce. This can be used to implement a customised reduction as row operation. When mapreduce is used in byrow, two keyword arguments must be passed, op and init. For example in the following code we use mapreduce to sum all values in each row: (note that unlike byrow(ds, sum, :) the following function will return missing for a row if any of the value in that row is missing)

byrow(ds, mapreduce, :, op = .+, init = zeros(nrow(ds)))

User defined operations

For user defined functions which return a single value, byrow treats each row as a vector of values, thus the user defined function must accept a vector and returns a single value. However, when user defines a multivariate function and pass a Tuple of column indices as the cols argument of byrow, the byrow function simply calls fun.(ds[:, cols[1]], ds[:, cols2], ...). Currently, the threads keyword argument is not available for this case.

For instance to calculate 1 * col1 + 2 * col2 + 3 * col3 for each row in ds we can define the following function:

julia> avg(x) = 1 * x[1] + 2 * x[2] + 3 * x[3]
avg (generic function with 1 method)

and directly use it in byrow,

julia> byrow(ds, avg, 1:3)
5-element Vector{Union{Missing, Int64}}:

Note that avg is missing if any of the values in x is missing.

Below is an example of using byrow with a user defined multivariate function

julia> ds = Dataset(x1 = [1,2,1,2], x2 = [1,-2,-3,10], x3 = 1:4)
4×3 Dataset
 Row │ x1        x2        x3       
     │ identity  identity  identity 
     │ Int64?    Int64?    Int64?   
   1 │        1         1         1
   2 │        2        -2         2
   3 │        1        -3         3
   4 │        2        10         4

julia> fun(x,y,z)::Float64 = x == 1 ? y*z : y/z
fun (generic function with 1 method)

julia> byrow(ds, fun, (:x1, :x2, :x3))
4-element Vector{Real}:

Special operations

byrow also supports a few optimised operations which return a vector of values for each row. The fun argument for these operations is one of the followings:

  • cummax
  • cummax!
  • cummin
  • cummin!
  • cumprod
  • cumprod!
  • cumsum
  • cumsum!
  • fill
  • fill!
  • sort
  • sort!
  • stdze
  • stdze!

The main difference between these operations and the previous operations is that these operations return a data set with the corresponding row has been updated with the operation. For the operations with ! the updated version of the original data set is returned and for the operations without ! a modified copy of the original data set is returned.

The fill and fill! functions fill values which calling the function passed as by on them returns true with values passed to the with keyword argument. The function passed to the by keyword argument must return true or false and by default it is set to by = ismissing.

Note that for the fill and fill! functions the filling happens in-place, thus, if this is not possible Julia will throw errors.

julia> ds = Dataset(x1 = [missing, 2, 1], x2 = [1, missing, missing], y = [4,5,3])
3×3 Dataset
 Row │ x1        x2        y        
     │ identity  identity  identity
     │ Int64?    Int64?    Int64?   
   1 │  missing         1         4
   2 │        2   missing         5
   3 │        1   missing         3

julia> byrow(ds, fill, 1:2, with = :y)
3×3 Dataset
 Row │ x1        x2        y        
     │ identity  identity  identity
     │ Int64?    Int64?    Int64?   
   1 │        4         1         4
   2 │        2         5         5
   3 │        1         3         3

julia> byrow(ds, fill, 1:2, with = [0,2,1])
3×3 Dataset
 Row │ x1        x2        y        
     │ identity  identity  identity
     │ Int64?    Int64?    Int64?   
   1 │        0         1         4
   2 │        2         2         5
   3 │        1         1         3

julia> byrow(ds, fill, 1:2, with = [0,2,1], by = x->ismissing(x) || isequal(x, 1))
3×3 Dataset
 Row │ x1        x2        y        
     │ identity  identity  identity
     │ Int64?    Int64?    Int64?   
   1 │        0         0         4
   2 │        2         2         5
   3 │        1         1         3

the cumulative functions calculate the cumulative min, max, sum, and product, sort sorts the values in each row, and stdze standardises the values in each row. The sort operation accepts all keyword arguments that the function sort in Julia Base accept.

julia> ds = Dataset(g = [1, 1, 1, 2, 2],
                    x1_int = [0, 0, 1, missing, 2],
                    x2_int = [3, 2, 1, 3, -2],
                    x1_float = [1.2, missing, -1.0, 2.3, 10],
                    x2_float = [missing, missing, 3.0, missing, missing],
                    x3_float = [missing, missing, -1.4, 3.0, -100.0]);
julia> byrow(ds, cumsum, 1:3)
5×6 Dataset
 Row │ g         x1_int    x2_int    x1_float   x2_float   x3_float
     │ identity  identity  identity  identity   identity   identity
     │ Int64?    Int64?    Int64?    Float64?   Float64?   Float64?
   1 │        1         1         4        1.2  missing    missing
   2 │        1         1         3  missing    missing    missing
   3 │        1         2         3       -1.0        3.0       -1.4
   4 │        2         2         5        2.3  missing          3.0
   5 │        2         4         2       10.0  missing       -100.0

Note that for these operations, by default, cumsum/!, cumprod/!, cumax/!, and cummin/! ignore missing values, however, passing missings = :skip causes these functions to skip the missing values (leave them as missing).

The special operations don't change the columns names or their orders.