Performance tips

This section contains some performance tips which can improve the experience of working with DLMReader. These tips are specially important when reading a huge file.

Avoid using String type for large data sets

Using String causes garbage collection and it must be avoided when possible.

Pass types for very wide files

By default, filereader uses 20 lines of the input file to guess the types of each column. For very wide files, this is not very efficient, and passing the types keyword argument or setting a lower number for gussingrows can significantly improve the performance.

julia> using InMemoryDatasets

julia> ds = Dataset(rand([1.1,2.2,3.4], 100, 100000), :auto);

julia> filewriter("_tmp.csv", ds, buffsize = 2^25, lsize = 500000);

julia> @time ds = filereader("_tmp.csv", buffsize = 2^21, lsize = 2^20, types = fill(Float64, 10^5));
  1.084718 seconds (499.34 k allocations: 254.858 MiB, 2.08% gc time)

julia> @time ds = filereader("_tmp.csv", buffsize = 2^21, lsize = 2^20, guessingrows = 2);
  1.100339 seconds (1.40 M allocations: 266.832 MiB, 0.83% gc time)

Use informat to improve performance

In many cases using informat can improve the performance of reading huge files. For instances, if there are two columns in the input file which both are Date but with different DataFormat, using informat to convert them into the same DateFormat improves the performance,

julia> function DINFMT!(x)
           replace!(x, "/" => "-")
julia> register_informat(DINFMT!)
  [ Info: Informat DINFMT! has been registered
julia> ds = filereader(IOBuffer("""date1,date2
       """), types = [Date, Date], informat = Dict(2 => DINFMT!))
2×2 Dataset
 Row │ date1       date2      
     │ identity    identity   
     │ Date?       Date?      
   1 │ 2020-01-01  2020-01-01
   2 │ 2020-02-02  2020-02-02

Passing lsize can improve writing speed

When the input data set contains many columns with float types, passing lsize can improve the performance significantly. This is due to the fact that the filewriter is very conservative when converting floats to string. In the following example we can have a rough idea about how many characters exists in each row of the data set, thus, passing our estimate to the filewriter function improves the performance.

julia> using InMemoryDatasets

julia> ds = Dataset(rand([1.1,2.2,3.4], 100, 100000), :auto);

julia> @time filewriter("_tmp.csv", ds, buffsize = 2^25);
  1.378465 seconds (54.90 M allocations: 2.547 GiB, 19.67% gc time)

julia> @time filewriter("_tmp.csv", ds, buffsize = 2^25, lsize = 500000);
  0.214730 seconds (9.80 M allocations: 516.580 MiB)